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3169 N Lincoln, Chicago
A 4,033 sq ft property is up for lease in an excellent location with favorable demographics, situated in Lakeview, Chicago. The space can be split for the right tenant. Tenant Allowance/Improvements available.
57 NW US-19, Florida
Named Top place to visit by Discovery Channel, 24k VPD, recently rebranded and renovated. From 1,300 sq ft to 12,500 available. 1,200 more residential homes approved for development. Area is frequently visited by all locals and out of state visitors. TI Available
9061 US-19, Florida
Named the "Million Dollar Mile" with 64k VPD, shopping district of the area, in front of the mall location, New residential development. 1,700-10,500 sq ft available. Retail, Medical, and/or office! TI available. Possible REDEVELOPMENT property.